GetSnapshot (Delayed)

GetSnapshot (Delayed): Returns latest Snapshot Data of multiple Symbols – max 25 in single call with Delay (only active during market hours)

Supported parameters
accessKeyAccess key according to your subscriptionRequired parameter.
exchangeString value like MCXName of supported exchange. How to get list of supported exchanges you can find here
periodicity[MINUTE]/[HOUR], default = [MINUTE]String value of required periodicity.
periodNumerical value 1, 2, 5…l default = 1Optional parameter of required period for historical data. Can be applied for [MINUTE]/[HOUR] periodicity types
instrumentIdentifiersValues of instrument identifiers, max. limit is 25 instruments per single requestHow to get list of available instruments and identifiers you can find here.
You will need to use URL Econding for instrument identifiers with special characters (like BAJAJ-AUTO, M&M, L&T, NIFTY 50, etc.) as explained here
xml[true]/[false], default = [false]Optional parameter. By default function will return JSON data. Functions will return XML data if set as [true]
isShortIdentifiers[true]/[false], default = [false]Optional parameter. By default function will use long instrument identifier format. Functions will use short instrument identifier format if set as [true]. Example of ShortIdentifiers are NIFTY25MAR21FUT, RELIANCE25MAR21FUT, NIFTY25MAR2115000CE, etc.
What is returned ?
InstrumentIdentifier (Symbol), Exchange, LastTradeTime, TradedQty, OpenInterest, Open, High, Low, Close
LastTradeTime : In JSON Response, this value is expressed as no. of seconds since Epoch time (i.e. 1st January 1970). Also known as Unix Time. Please Visit to get formulae to convert human readable time to Epoch and vice versa (scroll to end of their home page)
Important Note:

GetSnapshot (Delayed), the time when request is sent is very important.

For example: If the API key is configured with a 5-minute delay for NFO.
Request sent at January 27, 2025 10:16:00 AM (IST)
Response received at
10:16:00 – Last Trade Time (IST): January 27, 2025 10:11:00 AM For example : If user sends request for 1minute snapshot data at 10:16:00, user will get record of trade data of 10:11:00. However, if request is sent at 10:15:46 i.e. before minute is complete, user will get trade data between 10:10:00 to 10:11:00. In both cases, timestamp of the returned data will be start timestamp of the period. So when data between 10:10:00 to 10:11:00 is returned, it will have timestamp of 10:10:00.

Example of returned data
CLOSE 22967.75
HIGH 22982.3
LASTTRADETIME 1737952860000
LOW 22964
OPEN 22982.3
CLOSE 48145.35
HIGH 48183.55
LASTTRADETIME 1737952860000
LOW 48130.1
OPEN 48183.55
<Value Exchange=”NFO” InstrumentIdentifier=”FUTIDX_NIFTY_30JAN2025_XX_0″ LastTradeTime=”01-27-2025 10:08:00″ TradedQty=”11825″ OpenInterest=”13121050″ High=”22995″ Low=”22971.2″ Open=”22993.15″ Close=”22976.55″/>
<Value Exchange=”NFO” InstrumentIdentifier=”FUTIDX_BANKNIFTY_30JAN2025_XX_0″ LastTradeTime=”01-27-2025 10:08:00″ TradedQty=”4320″ OpenInterest=”2283510″ High=”48224.5″ Low=”48175.05″ Open=”48224.5″ Close=”48180.5″/>
10:39 am
CSVClose,Exchange,High,InstrumentIdentifier,TradedQty,LastTradeTime,Low,Open,OpenInterest 22980,NFO,22980,FUTIDX_NIFTY_30JAN2025_XX_0,9575,1737952980000,22965,22971.9,13127875 48159.35,NFO,48159.35,FUTIDX_BANKNIFTY_30JAN2025_XX_0,3330,1737952980000,48121,48149.95,2285505

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