- At times, server sends diagnostic responses instead of requested data. Please find below list of possible informational messages (returns as text/plain) by our server. Most of these responses are self-explanatory. Your application should be designed to handle these responses which are returned as text/plain (instead of JSON / XML).
API Response | Description |
Data unavailable. | There was some issue at server. Please try again or contact our team (with screenshot of error, actual request sent & paste actual key used) on developer@globaldatafeeds.in |
Welcome! | Result of successful authentication |
Authentication request received. Try request data in next moment. | This response is typically sent by REST API if requested data is not ready. So this passes the control back to your application. This is done because REST is stateless protocol without any callbacks. If this is not done and if server decides to wait, your application will feel like hang with poor user experience. When this response is received, you are supposed to send same request again in loop – till you receive requested data. |
Access Denied. Key not found. | Please check the key used, key is not found at server |
Access Denied. Key blocked. | Used key is blocked. Please contact our team (with screenshot of error, actual request sent & paste actual key used) on developer@globaldatafeeds.in |
Access Denied. Key unknown or empty. | Please check the key used, key is not found at server |
Key Expired. | Please check the key used, key is expired |
IP address not allowed. | The key used is configured to be used with specific Ips and your request is received from different IP. |
Data for requested exchange is disabled. | The key is not authorised to request data from the Exchange used. Please make sure you are using valid Exchange value. |
Reached instrument limitation. | The key used is requesting more symbols than authorised. To use new symbols, please reduce no. of used symbols. |
Function not enabled. | The key is using API function which is not enabled for your account. If you feel this is error, please contact our team (with screenshot of error, actual request sent & paste actual key used) on developer@globaldatafeeds.in |
RealtimeSubscription disabled for delayed data. | The key used is configured to be used for delayed data but instead, it is trying to use Realtime Data subscription |
Bandwidth per hour is limited. | The key is using more bandwidth than configured value. The counter is reset every hour (e.g. 10AM, 11AM, 12PM, etc.) so if you receive this message, please try again after clock passes current hour. |
Calls per hour are limited. | The key is using more no. of requests than configured value per hour. The counter is reset every hour (e.g. 10AM, 11AM, 12PM, etc.) so if you receive this message, please try again after clock passes current hour. |
Calls limitation is reached. | The key is using more no. of requests than configured value for the month. |
Bandwidth limitation is reached. | The key is using more bandwidth than configured value for the month. |
Access Denied. Key Invalid. | Please check the key used, key is not found at server |
Access Denied. Key already in use by other session. | Key is used in more than 1 session. Please ensure that key creates only 1 session. If any new sessions are created, previous sessions are invalidated with this message. |
Selected periodicity or period disabled. | Please check value of “Periodicity” or “Period” used in your request. Either value specified is wrong or the key is not authorised to send requested Periodicity / Period |
More than 1 match found. Use exact long format identifier instead. | Please use Long Identifier Symbol to request data. |
Data unavailable. Send request after market close to get same day’s data. | You are taken a subscription for after market data. To get the data for current day you need to send the request after current market is closed. |