GetInstruments : Returns array of instruments by selected exchange
Supported parameters
accessKey | Access key according to your subscription | Required parameter. |
exchange | String value like MCX | Name of supported exchange. How to get list of supported exchanges you can find here |
instrumentType | String value like FUTIDX | Optional parameter. Name of supported Instrument Type. How to get list of supported values you can find here |
product | String value like BANKNIFTY | Optional parameter. Name of supported Product. How to get list of supported values you can find here |
expiry | String value like 30Jul2015 | Optional parameter. Name of supported Expiry Date. How to get list of supported values you can find here |
optionType | String value like CE | Optional parameter. Name of supported Option Type. How to get list of supported values you can find here |
strikePrice | String value like 0 | Optional parameter. Name of supported StrikePrice. How to get list of supported values you can find here |
xml | [true]/[false], default = [false] | Optional parameter. By default function will return JSON data. Functions will return XML data if set as [true] |
format | CSV | Optional parameter. When format=CSV, data in CSV format will be returned. Please make sure not to pass xml parameter (neither True nor False) when format=CSV is sent |
onlyActive | [true]/[false], default = [true] | Optional parameter. By default, function will return only active instruments. Function will return all (active + expired) instruments if value equals false. |
detailedInfo | [true]/[false], default = [false] | Optional parameter. By default function will return limited fields in response, function will return additional fields in response when this parameter is set as true. |
Example | http://endpoint:port/GetInstruments/?accessKey=0a0b0c&exchange=NFO&xml=true&search=NIFTY&detailedInfo=true |
What is returned ?
Identifier (Symbol), Name (Instrument Type), Expiry (Expiry Date), StrikePrice, Product, OptionType, ProductMonth, TradeSymbol (ShortIdentifier for same Identifier/Symbol), QuotationLot (Lot Size), When detailedInfo=true, following additional information will be sent (if available from Exchange)TokenNumber (Token number of Symbol), LowPriceRange (Lower circuit limit),HighPriceRange(Upper circut limit) |
Example of returned data
{“INSTRUMENTS”: [{“Identifier”:”OPTIDX_NIFTY_15JUL2021_CE_14650″, “Name”:”OPTIDX”,”Expiry”:”15Jul2021″,”StrikePrice”:14650.0, “Product”:”NIFTY”,”PriceQuotationUnit”:””,”OptionType”:”CE”, “ProductMonth”:”15Jul2021″,”UnderlyingAsset”:””,”UnderlyingAssetExpiry”:””, “IndexName”:””,”TradeSymbol”:”NIFTY15JUL2114650CE”,”QuotationLot”:75.0, “Description”:””,”TokenNumber”:”44079″,”LowPriceRange”:26.15, “HighPriceRange”:2104.15},{“Identifier”:”OPTIDX_NIFTY_15JUL2021_PE_15700″, “Name”:”OPTIDX”,”Expiry”:”15Jul2021″,”StrikePrice”:15700.0, “Product”:”NIFTY”,”PriceQuotationUnit”:””,”OptionType”:”PE”, “ProductMonth”:”15Jul2021″,”UnderlyingAsset”:””, “UnderlyingAssetExpiry”:””,”IndexName”:””,”TradeSymbol”:”NIFTY15JUL2115700PE”, “QuotationLot”:75.0,”Description”:””,”TokenNumber”:”44171″, “LowPriceRange”:0.05,”HighPriceRange”:600.5}, “MessageType”:”InstrumentsOnSearchResult”} ]} |
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-16″ ?>
<Value Exchange=”NFO” Identifier=”OPTIDX_NIFTY_22JUL2021_PE_16500″
Name=”OPTIDX” Expiry=”22Jul2021″ StrikePrice=”16500″ Product=”NIFTY”
PriceQuotationUnit=”” OptionType=”PE” ProductMonth=”22Jul2021″
UnderlyingAsset=”” UnderlyingAssetExpiry=”” IndexName=””
TradeSymbol=”NIFTY22JUL2116500PE” QuotationLot=”75″ Description=””
TokenNumber=”45880″ LowPriceRange=”0.05″ HighPriceRange=”1521.45″/>
<Value Exchange=”NFO” Identifier=”OPTIDX_NIFTY_22JUL2021_PE_16150″
Name=”OPTIDX” Expiry=”22Jul2021″ StrikePrice=”16150″ Product=”NIFTY”
PriceQuotationUnit=”” OptionType=”PE” ProductMonth=”22Jul2021″
UnderlyingAsset=”” UnderlyingAssetExpiry=”” IndexName=””
TradeSymbol=”NIFTY22JUL2116150PE” QuotationLot=”75″ Description=””
TokenNumber=”47534″ LowPriceRange=”0.05″ HighPriceRange=”956.85″/
</Instruments> |
CSV | Exchange,Expiry,Identifier,IndexName,Name,OptionType,PriceQuotationUnit,Product,ProductMonth,StrikePrice,TradeSymbol,UnderlyingAsset,UnderlyingAssetExpiry,QuotationLot,Description,TokenNumber,LowPriceRange,HighPriceRange NFO,27Jun2024,OPTIDX_NIFTY_27JUN2024_CE_22300,,OPTIDX,CE,,NIFTY,27Jun2024,22300.0,NIFTY27JUN2422300CE,,,50.0,,64275,399.45,1014.05 NFO,25Apr2024,OPTIDX_NIFTY_25APR2024_PE_22300,,OPTIDX,PE,,NIFTY,25Apr2024,22300.0,NIFTY25APR2422300PE,,,50.0,,68103,0.05,310.65 |