Global Data Feeds is now authorized data vendor for ArthaChitra
Minimum Requirement
ArthaChitra version or Higher
To use our data with ArthaChitra, no need to install our any data products. You just need to install the required version of ArthaChitra and use our data directly.
Start ArthaChitra
When you will start ArthChitra first time, it will popup message to set Instrument definations. To set the same, goto menu SETTINGS >> INSTRUMENTS >> IMPORT as below :
It will by default open folder ArthChitra >> InstrumentDefination. Select required segment’s Instrument list (Symbol List) file as per your subscriptions.
Multi Commodity Exchange.txt – MCX
National Stock Exachange.tx – NSE Futures & Options and CM (Cash)
NSE Currency Derivatives.txt – NSE Currency (CDS)
You need to select files one by one to import in ArthChitra. Once all files are imported, It will popup message to restart ArthChitra.
Once you import required Instrument list, establish the connection for our datafeeds. For this, goto menu Connection >> Add Edit connection.
Click on + button to add new connection.
In Connection Type dropdown window, select “Global Datafeeds”
Under API Key, enter the key received from Global Datafeeds and click on Close button.
Once you created new connection, connect to Global datafeeds from menu Connection >> Available Connection >> Global Datafeeds.
Once connection is established, you can view our company name “Global Datafeeds” at bottom with green back ground color.
Backfill settings : To set backfill settings, goto menu Settings >> Options.
Select Data tab and set backfill settings as below :
EOD (Daily) – 3650 (For EOD backfill from 2010)
Minute – 60 (For last 2 months Intraday Backfill)
Tick – 2
(All these numbers are in calendar days)
Now goto menu Settings >> Instruments >> View
It will open Instrument Manager view. Here you can create your own watch list which you can use for scanning / MarketWatch etc.
In search text box, enter required symbol name to search from below list. Select it and add in your watch list. Details are as per below screenshot:
Once required symbols are added in watch list, you can open chart for that symbol from menu New >> Chart.
In chart window, select your watch list and symbol name for which you want to open chart.
Once you select the symbol, you need to set chart parameters as per below screenshot.
Once all settings are done, click on button to open the chart..